15% of a typical shop’s week is wasted tracking down work order requirements and communicating status between engineers, designers and operators. GrabCAD Shop solves this.

For engineers & designers
Stop struggling to communicate job requirements over email or FTP. No more exporting CAD files to STL.
For shop operators
Stop spending money building custom solutions based on email, spreadsheets, SharePoint and thumb drives. No more keeping track of shop orders on whiteboards and spreadsheets.
If you’re running a shop in these industries, GrabCAD Shop is for you






3D printing shop management software
Easy and intuitive to use for designers, engineers and shop operators.
Simple work order management
Engineers, designers and shopfloor operators save time by sharing a common workspace to simplify print work requests.

Improve communication & collaboration
GrabCAD Shop simplifies your 3D printing shop workflow by substantially improving the way your teams manage and collaborate on prototyping work orders.
Eliminate complex infrastructure
GrabCAD Shop is a web-based application that doesn’t require IT assistance or expensive infrastructure costs. Within minutes, you can personalise your shop with custom branding and available technologies.

Built for 3D printing shops
Manage incoming orders
GrabCAD Shop makes it easy to manage 3D printing requests by organising orders in one place, meaning you don’t have to pop between platforms.
Reduce time to
3D print
Shop operators save time working on print orders by accessing print work requests, CAD files and project specs all in one space.
Connect all of your machines
GrabCAD Shop is pre-populated with Stratasys printers and materials and provides the ability to add third party technology.
Set print job expectations
Easily communicate your shop’s resources, cost estimates and deadlines so that your engineers know how and when their order will be fulfilled.
Easy to use interface and software
GrabCAD Shop is web-hosted software so there’s no complex installation process. You don’t even need IT administrators to download the software.
Understand your costs before you print
Shop operators can then estimate costs, update statuses, edit details and fulfill the orders efficiently.
Book your
in-person demo
Book a free GrabCAD Shop demo at our Additive Manufacturing Hub where you can see the full scope of Stratasys technology and how it can transform the way you work.
Learn how our platform can help your company scale additive manufacturing, compare product features, explore free trials, or connect with the GrabCAD Community.