Frank Lindeman at the SYS | Stratasys Open Day 2022
Dive into GrabCad How the Stratasys 3D printing software works with you, for you

Senior Software Business Development Manager, Frank Lindeman speaking at SYS | Stratasys Open Day 2022
“I would say GrabCAD Print is the most important thing within Stratasys. Of course, I'm very biased, but without software, nothing will work"
Frank Lindeman speech preview
“I’d like to introduce or reintroduce rapid printouts. If you’re not familiar with our software suite, we call it GrabCAD print. That is intended as a one stop shop for all our print technologies and printer machines. This is the mission we started seven years ago; we wanted to have every machine in this room supported by GrabCAD Print. We’ve done quite well.”
“We want to be able to accept all your CAD files because all of you use other software to design those parts. We don’t want to constrain any longer to [just] STL. That’s what we promised seven years ago. Every year we keep our software up to date, so you can update to the next level of your SolidWorks, PTC, you name it, we’ll handle it.
“But we’ve added a lot more to that. So we added the new industry standard for additive 3D graphics to the mix. So you can bring in those colour combos from these tools then with the colour and all the other information attached to it we can print it or apply the technologies.”
“The other highlight is it is available anywhere you go. We want to be connected to printers wherever you are. All our printers can be remotely accessed; you can see if your job is progressing well from your iPads, from your phone, no matter where you are – in your web browser. So, yes, we feel very good about that.”
Open Day Interview with Frank Lindeman
“Software is one of the four key pillars of Stratasys. Yeah, machines, materials, our services, but also software to make sure that people get the most out of those machines and materials.
“I would say people are not always fully aware of the capabilities we have. And it’s always good to have more of these open days because I’ve been here before, and the software has improved dramatically. We realise it’s hard for people to keep up. And then they won’t be using all the features that we’ve put in the last five, six years or so. So yes, it is very good for them to come here and hear or be reminded of all the things that GrabCAD print can do for them.
“Where we are as a company – Stratasys really want to be in the manufacturing space. We think we are ready and a key component of that. And even more important than prototyping is software. Manufacturing floors are very complicated. There’re people instructions, materials, work pieces, it’s all moving through a manufacturing floor and to orchestrate all of that, a lot of software required.
On attending the SYS | Stratasys Open Day 2022:
“I’d call it a mini trade show. It’s been done very professionally by the SYS team. Everything was well organised and laid out. So, kudos to the SYS team.
15% wasted time on the little things that don't immediately add value
“3D printing companies spend a lot of time in a day on things that do not immediately add value.”
Frank estimates that at 15%. Employees spend that time searching for the right file, forwarding files, searching for available materials and so on.
“With the new addition to GrabCAD Shop, a single environment is created in which all information is clearly shared. Everything is in this environment and can be exchanged here.”
Senior Software Business Development Manager, Frank Lindeman speaking at SYS | Stratasys Open Day 2022

About Frank Lindeman

Frank Lindeman joined Stratasys in 2014, when the cloud PDM and file sharing company GrabCAD was acquired. Frank is a member of the Stratasys Software team, a group of software engineers developing next generation software for 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, working out of Cambridge in the UK. Today, Frank focuses on making Stratasys customers and software partners successful with the introduction of Stratasys software products, and their integration with design software and factory control software.
Frank also represents the voice of the customer, identifying opportunities for new software features, functions, or entire products. His experience and approach are grounded in both 25 years of development of technical software as well as a deep understanding of design and manufacturing processes, positioning him to help your business get the most of GrabCAD Print and GrabCAD Shop.